In the field of youth, Erasmus+ supports the following main Actions:
Mobility for young people and youth workers (under Key Action 1) promoting Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service and mobility of youth workers in cooperation with Partner Countries neighbouring the EU;
Capacity Building projects in the youth field (under Key Action 2) promoting cooperation and mobility activities that have a positive impact on the qualitative development of youth work, youth policies and youth systems as well as on the recognition of non-formal education in Partner Countries, notably in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP), Asian and Latin American countries;
Involvement of young people and youth organisations from Partner Countries neighbouring the EU in the youth Structured Dialogue (under Key Action 3) through their participation in international meetings, conferences and events that promote dialogue between young people and decision-makers.
Jean Monnet activities with the aim of stimulating teaching, research and reflection in the field of European Union studies worldwide.