The central University library “Mira Pavlovic” is professionally collecting and supplying the library stuff, i.e. books and periodicals from the education areas, expert handling of the books by applying the international-standard rules and rendering services to the final users.
Students, professors, non-lesson staff and all the other persons have at their disposal over 14,000 literary units among which they can find all the textbooks, but also a great number of other popular and professional publications.
In the library there is also a Legacy of the passed away professor Milijan Popovic, who was the dean of the Law faculty for many years. His family gave his whole expert library with around 2,000 library units, and which many headings, firstly from the field of the theory of state and law, law philosophy, constitutional law, but also many other fields, it contains many rarities and rare headlines from which some date back from XIX century.
The library works at the campuses in Slobomir and Doboj every work day from 8am to 4pm.
Svjetlana Krsmanovic works the library. She is a librarian and comparativist, the library manager.
Office: 101
Telephone: 055 231 175 i 053 209 620
E-mail address: