Free courses for teachers of music
At the Academy of Art -Slobomir P University, within the TEMPUS project InMusWB another four-year studies of free courses for teachers of music will be held in the coming months. Slobomir P University invites all professors and teachers of music schools, whose interest is in this, to take part in free courses organized in Slobomir, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and theSerb Republic from 1st to 30th November 2014.
The courses will be organized according to the following schedule:
-1st November 2014 – 10 a.m. – “Melodic writing in teaching solfeggio – the role, importance, goals and work features,” lecturer Mr. Sandra Ivanovic
The seminar goal is to improve teaching in primary and secondary music school in the academic subject of solfeggio.
-November 13th 2014 – at 11a.m. – “Master class – violin” lecturer Vladimir Markovic
The aim of the seminar is to improve the quality of teaching violin in High school as well as the exchange of teaching experience. The focus of this seminar is to prepare students for public performances and upcoming competitions. It is based on the idea of improving teachers` work with students through public classes with some distinctive teachers.
-November 14th 2014 – 10 a.m. – “Master class – piano”, lecturer prof. Dr. Jokuthon Mihajilovic
The aim of the seminar is to improve the quality of teaching piano in high school as well as the exchange of teaching experience. With respect to the identified needs and intentions in the development of primary and secondary education system, the seminar goal is to enable professional advancement of teachers too.
-24th November 2014 – at 11 a.m. – “Harmonic accompaniment and harmonic development of hearing – Part II”, lecturer prof. Dr. Ivana Drobni
Educators training for creating and successful implementation of the piano accompaniment in teaching solfeggio,interpretation aspects of piano accompaniment starting from setting harmonic basis at the beginning of music education until finishing high school, presentation of the elementary principles of reading from paper, giving instructions that would lead to the development of reading skills and simultaneous singing and playing of musical text,the developmentof skill improvisation piano accompaniment while preserving the harmonic logic of the original text.
All the seminars are licensed by the Pedagogical Institute of the Serb Republic. The consent to perform the aforementioned seminar is HERE. The organizer is the Academy of Art of Slobomir P University from Bijeljina within the TEMPUS project InMusWB.
Applications to be sent to:
– Via email to the following e-mail address:
– By post (printed version of a completed application) to the following address: Pavlovic road 76, PF 70, 76300 Bijeljina, marked as “Application for LL courses”
– By phone 055 231 135